Isis Candle/Vela de Isis


Isis Candle Dressed | Egypcian | Witchcraft | Wicca

Product Code: N/A
SKU: Can-Isi-Tall-sub
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Our Isis Candle was designed to represent Isis as the powerful Goddess of Fertility, Healing & Magic.

Isis is the ancient Egyptian goddess of marriage, fertility, motherhood, magic and medicine. Many myths and legends exist about Isis in Egypt and Egyptian literature uses several names and titles for this goddess. Worship of Isis, her temples and her cult spread through Egypt and parts of Europe.

Isis is also known under many different titles, such as:

  • The Divine One
  • The Queen of all Gods
  • Queen of Heaven
  • The Maker of Sunrise
  • Mother of God

Isis’ most important roles were:

  • Her positions as the wife of Osiris and the mother of Horus.
  • Isis’ role as a fertility goddess was also important and caused many women to worship her.
  • Her position as a goddess of magic: people would look to her and her cult for spells to solve problems. It is told that she managed to trick Ra into revealing his secret name to her and in doing so, Isis obtained many magical powers.

In some of her other roles, Isis had names associated with each role:

  • Khut: giver of light at the beginning of a new year
  • Usert: goddess of the earth
  • Thenenet: goddess of the Tuat (the underworld)
  • Satis: the Nile flood’s power
  • Ankhet: providing fertility from the waters and embracer of the land
  • Kekhet: goddess of the fields and the cultivated areas
  • Renenet: goddess of the harvest
  • Tcheft: goddess of the food offered to the gods by humans
  • Ament: lady of the underworld who restored the bodies of the dead so they could live with Osiris in his kingdom.

Working with Isis:

How Isis Manifests & Signs She’s Calling You
When Isis Goddess of Motherhood manifests, she’s almost always a beautiful woman in childbearing years. Sometimes bearing a pair of feathered wings. She wears a headdress of horns that hold a golden disc or the sun between them. But Isis is also known to appear as a swallow, cow, kite, as a young princess and as a widowed beggar. Much of her survived iconography depicts her seated on a throne holding her baby Horus to her breast. In fact, historians believe many of the Mother Mary and Jesus statues from the East African region were originally Isis and Horus. Some also believe her image was taken to Asia by way of the Silk Road and she became Kuan Yin.

Signs Isis Is Calling You:
She appears in your dreams
Kites and swallows start showing up in real life
You hear her name on TV, radio, or see it repeatedly online
Cows start showing up in real life
You’re finding feathers everywhere
She sends her symbols to you: the ankh, throne, sistrum, cow horns with solar disk, or her knot
You’re drawn to working with the sun AND moon
Isis calls to mothers and widows
She also calls to those who are magical practitioners

Correspondences of Isis:

Healing Magic
Isis is the Great Healer. She uses words to mend broken bones, heal wounds, and eradicate illness. If you’ve been called to heal, Isis will guide you in your studies and practice. Call on her when performing a healing ritual, concocting a remedy, or engaging in energetic healing of any kind. Ask her for the words to use to heal any disease, whether physical or mental

Using Her Symbols
Nearly every deity has a symbol or two that represents their divinity and powers. Isis is no exception. Use her symbols to connect with her: ankh, solar disc, moon, tyet amulet, the knot of Isis, and sistrum. Draw them on your body before and during ritual. Paint her symbols on her altar cloth. Or simply draw them in the air during ritual and to bless her space.

Working with Her Herbs
Isis’ sacred plants include vervain, myrrh, fig, date, palm and rose. Vervain can be purchased as a loose leaf herb and used in her offerings and herbal preparations. Burn myrrh incense or use myrrh essential oil to anoint her image. Offer dates, figs, and roses to her in gratitude. If you want to take it to the next level, grow one or all of her favorite plants. No one ever said no to a rose bush.


Her Sacred Feast Days
According to modern tradition, Isis is connected to Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and can be invoked on those days with ease. In addition, celebrate her on her most holiest of days including her birthday on July 17th, the Advent of Aset on January 2nd, and Navigium Isidis (a Roman feast day for Isis) on March 2nd. My recommendation is to research traditions that were once upheld for each fest day and recreate it in your own way.

At one point, Isis takes over the role of being the Eye of Ra, solidifying her role as a solar deity. However, there were many times in ancient Egyptian history where the people also linked her indefinitely to the moon. Cast magick using the sun and the moon in honor of Isis. And invoke her to bless your sun and moon waters. Then use these waters to cleanse her altar, add to ritual baths, and cleanse your magical tools. Or how about making a sun tea infused with rosebuds? Then offer a bit to Isis Goddess of Beauty in thanks.

Isis started out as the wife of Osiris but over the centuries rose to be honored above even the god of the underworld. She became the Queen of the Universe. She was also associated with the star Sirius, which was called the “Soul of Isis”. Get out your telescope and gaze at the wonders of Isis’ creation including the moon and the stars.

Ritual Milk Bath for Isis Goddess of Purification
Because she’s the Great Mother, milk has long been her sacred liquid. Flowing from her body, nourishing ours and the entire universe. Isis also appreciates purity and purification rituals, so take a ritual milk bath before meeting her in ritual.


Additional Info
Weight 15 oz
Dimensions 10 × 6 × 6 in



Fixed, Plain



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